Immigration Attorneys
Only the most qualified attorneys are listed on
This site contains contact information for Los Angeles County attorneys who have passed our screening test as experts in their area of law.
Unlike most attorney evaluation sites, this site does not charge any of the attorneys to be on this site and does not accept payment to change an attorney’s status on this site. We strive to remain neutral.
To be added to a section below, the attorney must:
- Have a primary practice in the county.
- Dedicate much or all of his or her practice to the listed area of law.
- Not have a record of incompetence with the California Bar.
- Be in practice five years or more.
- Be generally known to the site administrators as highly competent.
- Be published in a law book or journal related to his or her area of law and/or be certified by the Bar in the listed area of law.
Attorneys are listed in random order.
- Alhambra
- Jennifer Lin Lieu (626) 576-5016
- Beverly Hills
- Fariborz Rouzbehani (310) 246-1616
- Anna Anahit Darbinian (310) 247-6070
- Burbank
- Ashkhen Ashley Gambourian (818) 566-9941
- Downey
- Henry Anthony Posada (562) 904-9080
- Encino
- Marjan Hadjian-Bahmani (818) 501-8888
- Ronald Jeffrey Tasoff (818) 788-8900
- Richard Joel Tasoff (818) 788-8900
- Glendale
- Camille Odi Bowman (818) 476-0087
- Deborah Lynne Karapetian (818) 553-8100
- Long Beach
- Brian David Lerner (562) 495-0554
- Angela Novas McGill (562) 432-6227
- Los Angeles
- Alary Endel Piibe (213) 622-8775
- Noemi Guadalupe Ramirez (213) 622-2706
- David M. Haghighi (213) 632-3900
- Michele Ann Franchett (213) 627-8997
- David Bellamy Gardner (323) 653-4514
- Elsa Ines Martinez (213) 489-5202
- Curtis Frederic Pierce (213) 327-0044
- Elsie Hui Arias (213) 627-8997
- Eric Price (213) 995-6655
- Kathleen Lynn Grzegorek (213) 627-8997
- Victoria Jiwon Suh (213) 387-2888
- Anish Vashistha (323) 592-9980
- Gihan L Thomas (310) 203-2242
- Alan Rodolfo Diamante (213) 943-4555
- Helen A. Sklar (213) 627-8997
- Mike Razi (213) 368-0124
- Linda Marie Nakamura (213) 840-5546
- Jae Young Kim (213) 383-1111
- Heather Lorraine Poole (877) 486-2678
- Pamela L Hartman (310) 597-4222
- Carl Michael Shusterman (213) 623-4592
- Nicolette Glazer (310) 407-5353
- Margarita M Manduley (818) 506-0070
- Frank Edward Ronzio (213) 384-3250
- Farnoush Farzad (213) 382-1010
- Aggie Rachel Hoffman (310) 444-3044
- John Carroll Lemacks (213) 833-2015
- Hector Ricardo Ortega (213) 347-0051
- Daniel Joseph Sharp (213) 385-7800
- Valerie Jeanne Curtis-Diop (213) 368-1570
- Juliana Lora Butler (626) 786-4414
- Taiyyeba Safri Skomra (213) 627-8997
- David M. Illions (213) 385-4700
- Leon Ben Hazany (323) 692-1446
- Howard Hom (213) 387-0954
- Angelo A. Paparelli (213) 270-9797
- Anibal Ferrer Sanchez (213) 384-1900
- Amy Carole Lenhert (213) 627-8997
- Vi Duong (310) 968-4641
- Philip Joel Karlin (213) 365-1555
- Lincoln Lee Stone (213) 627-8997
- Silvia Aguirre (213) 386-4649
- Pasadena
- Meixuan Zhang (626) 795-6777
- Roland Wayne McMillan (626) 796-5008
- Devin Michael Connolly (626) 795-6777
- John A. Joannes (310) 440-4240
- Eileen Chun (213) 674-0599
- Eric Robert Welsh (626) 795-6777
- Daniel Patrick Hanlon (626) 585-8005
- Frederick Bell Benson (626) 577-8808
- Lucy Avedissian (626) 792-0800
- Nancy Ellen Miller (626) 795-6777
- Santa Fe Springs
- Robert Francis Jacobs (562) 462-1424
- Santa Monica
- Richard Stephen Yemm (310) 570-4088
- Bernard Pavel Wolfsdorf (310) 570-4088
- Sherman Oaks
- Alice Marguerite Yardum-Hunter (818) 609-1953
- David Michael Kramer (818) 907-9688
- Anahid Chalikian (818) 414-1126
- Studio City
- Charles Maurice Miller (818) 508-9005
- Terri Senesac Miller (818) 508-9005
- South Pasadena
- Richard Manuel Loew (626) 799-3089
- Allison Aquino Silva (626) 799-3089
- Tarzana
- Nadia Farah (818) 358-3165
- John David Friedman (818) 342-7400
- Torrence
- Naoki Sekiya (424) 999-5420
- Whittier
- Kathleen Siok-Sien Koh (562) 902-0878
- Steven Ramirez Espinoza (562) 696-9282
- Woodland Hills
- Sergei Shevchenko (310) 285-1552
Related Services
Some people who don’t need a full-service attorney can save considerable money by using a Paralegal, Licensed Document Assistant, Notary, or QDRO expert. We are, therefore, happy to recommend the following businesses: